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Friday, June 09, 2006
Help our World Get More Non-White Barbies
So Claire's sister is a social worker that does good mostly good things for the community of this world and gets paid nothing for it, as usual. Today she was at a client's home and something funny happened. She, being white, met a little girl in the house, who was not white.

Looking at her excitedly, the little girl screamed: "You're as white as my Barbie!"

Today, we have a suggestion. Write an email to Mattel (they make Barbies), or even call them. Tell them you would like more nonwhite Barbies, and then add that you were disturbed when they manufactured the Barbie that said: "Math is hard. Let's go shopping!"

Or, you could ask for a free Barbie and then give it to a homeless person. From the US and Canada, call 1-800-524-8697. Or, email them here.

Here are some Filipino Barbies that are dressed in some kind of indigenous get up that took 2 years of research and sewing to create. Huh? and Thanks! to Philippine Airlines Mabuhay
posted by Claire and Lara at 4:59 AM | Permalink |