TrippingOnWords wins *Blogspot's Blog of Note* and *Bestest Blog of the Day*
Monday, May 08, 2006
THING 3: I was a Beloved Sweatshirt
In this post things get a little tricky. Negativity advances, and turns the table.

Up until now, Lara and Claire were batting a thousand...or whatever is the appropriate number. We don't do sports.

It was a standard day in Madrid. Claire had managed to leave bed after the marathon, and they had gone out a-wandering. Madrid is pretty. Museums are pretty. Gardens are pretty. We were pretty in all these places.

We a-wandered for way too long and ended up at a crap cafeteria near our house. We killed 50 minutes waiting for our waitress to bring us a drink meny, and then another 15 waiting for them to come take the order. We ordered food, drink, and settled in.

They brought the wrong food. They poured the wrong drinks. They yelled at Claire in Spanish about the contents of mayonnaise exclaiming that since it was "natural" there were no eggs in it. This made no sense.

In an act of defiance, we decided to walk out on our check. We then pussied out and left 1.89 Euro behind. On an adrenaline high, we rocketed out of there, proud to have stuck it to the evil people.

But then, attempting to disguise myself, I (Lara) realized I had left my favorite sweatshirt with the evil people. What to do? Go back and get yelled at and pay for food we didn't/couldn't eat? Leave it and decrease my year wardrobe by about 18%?

I decided to meditate on it, and realized that karma had acted quickly and clearly. Walk out on check and sweatshirt walks out on you.

In a shocking moment of clarity, however, Claire pointed out that the evil restaurant deserved it, and all knowing karma would know that. So we got over it, went to our favorit pasta restaurant, and decided negative energy had earned its first point.


Negative Energy: 1
Lara, Claire and the Powers of Positive Thinking: 2

Things are close.
posted by Claire and Lara at 8:15 PM | Permalink |