TrippingOnWords wins *Blogspot's Blog of Note* and *Bestest Blog of the Day*
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Help Us Help You

What is this person doing? They are being brilliant. They have taken a leaf and turned it into a costume. What brilliance.

In a similar way, we can take your negative life energy experiences (your lame ex boyfriend, that graduate school that wouldn't let you in, the boss you hated, the friend that sucked) and turn them into great little glistening bits of positive energy. Then you feel less burdened and we get funny blog material!

Specifically, we can pass out your crap to people that need it more - in every country of the globe (almost). How to get in on this fantastic opportunity? Send your old crap! Snail mail info below for our US P.O. Box, or email at!

Then, we write a blog about it. Yes, about YOU and your CRAP.

Alternate route: Let go of your negative energy in an interesting way and write us about it! Tell us anything! Tell us how you sold that ugly Tiffany's necklace on ebay and gave a sweet 14 year old her best birthday ever! Tell us how your ex's cuddly sweatshirt was given to the particularly cold homeless person on your block.

It's so fun. And so easy. Like giving a small puppy some peanut butter on a spoon and watching his tongue struggle to finish it. Or whatever.
posted by Claire and Lara at 4:47 AM | Permalink |