TrippingOnWords wins *Blogspot's Blog of Note* and *Bestest Blog of the Day*
Saturday, May 06, 2006
THING 1: I was Cheesy-Love Propaganda
There was a bad book about love that we read when coming across the Atlantic. In reality, Lara was the only one that read it, because Claire couldn't finish it. Because it was that bad. It had a name like, "I Sound Totally Different Than I Am Becuase I Am THAT Sappy" or some such crap.

Claire finally put it down for the 18 millionth time, unwilling to go on because the negative energy the book was sending off was too much. We needed to let go of the book in a powerful way that extended global loving feelings. What to do? Lara said.

We were sitting there on the top deck of our cruise ship tanning. Claire and Lara locked eyes from their plastic chaise lounges. Claire was on page 123. She raised her arm and hurled the book overboard.

They raced to the railing to look overboard, but the book had already disappeared. It wasn't even heavy or anything. It must have gone to a lower deck. We figure that a book falling into your lap from the sky automatically makes the book seem like a good thing.

It was the first time she had littered in 3 years (she thinks). The new trip had begun with a bang.

We immediately realized that we could leave a trail behind us...not of litter, but of energy conversion. The call was clear. And we answered. It was just us on the other end, though.

Negative Energy: 0
Lara Claire and Positivity: 1
posted by Claire and Lara at 6:21 PM | Permalink |


  • At 12:41 AM, Blogger Claire and Lara

    This is really unfair. Because I CONFIDED in you that the one area in my "attempt to be litter free since 2003" life is gum. In that I still sometime throw it on the street. But I SAID that it was something I really wanted to work on.

    If someone acknowledge a shortcoming that they want to work on and confides to you in good faith you do not blow up their spot. Court Snort.

  • At 12:46 AM, Blogger Claire and Lara

    I mean the one PROBLEM area. The other areas are covered and I no longer litter the earth ever.